
Window of our universal answere to the challenge, need and opportunity of time.
Welcome to our web site!
On this home page, we'll introduce our business and highlight important areas on our site.
We are offering our CD book for sale. Price Norwegian Kr 216 and shops wanting to order may enjoy 10 copies for the prize
of Norwegian kr 1008, including postage and delivery (registered letter)!
We are offering others to sell the book for 216 kr, too, paying us 108 kr, and keeping 108 kr weather a bookshop, or
other shops, organisations, persons or businesses. A free E-subscription of Global Times follows the humanitarian campaign
to end world hunger now, where thousends (about 50.000 statistic tells) children dies every day and billions suffers, where
an immidiate solution exists. The campaign registers CD number to be reported by mail, in order to ensure illegal copying.
Everyone bying one, get one extra for free, and is welcome to download on own computer and give the CD as a gift in the campaign
for free. Eveyone getting a CD may download it and give it away, but copying with possible error of information, is not allowed.
The person bying is expected to send a mail (page in the CD book for easy copy, paste and send) with the number order a basic
free subscription for free and of course with no more replays than wanted.
A second area of good incomes opportunities for the End World Hunger Campaign is given the buisness partner, a real and
good income potential.
The book selling campaign of sharing with 2 is supporting this camapign, too:
Urgent, for your immediate reaction to the need and challenge of time! (Subject.)
World Peace Campaign Mail
The Greatest News in the World
The unhappy shame for world society, each and one of us, is statistics of world hunger telling thousands of children is
dying every day. This world problem is now possible to remove in a short time. It is now possible to end the problem and at
the same time make the world economy better for each and one in the whole world by accelerating world prosperity development
and fulfilling the need of time and universal answer to the challenge of time.
If most people say;
" Yes please, I accept to receive free real and extra money by my own account in Global Bank annually as everyone
else by a few hours a year democratic control of the bank and our new, digital currency",
the world hunger is gone within weeks, because the democratic countries follows up and there are no reason for any country
not to accept the new currency, as there are only universally acceptable principles which must be accepted by the world citizens.
It is this easy, and being so easy why should not all people promote it. We suggest all people promotes it to 2 persons a
day, at least unto they have achieved that 2 persons has each found 2 persons to do the same! When it is a duty not to be
the reason for others suffering, this says the founder of the enterprise, Stein Roar Andersen, must be seen as the duty of
almost all persons in the world.
2 - 4 - 16 - etc. with one day interval gives just a few days unto a common agreement to end world hunger is achieved
and then possible removed as a world problem within few weeks. Therefore consider how many thousand of children is dying if
you fail to do your duty even one day. You may be the hero stopping world hunger, now! For your immediate action, urgent,
join in now and communicate to us your position as world peace co-ordinator with the one and only purpose of 2-4-16-... Please,
be free to send a registered letter accordingly and some money to cover our cost, you know if we receives the millions of
letter wanted...
Reaching as many as soon as possible by 2-4-16 ... must always be personal, by personal introduction, not by mail. However,
phoning first and sending agreed mail thereafter may be good.
UN's Secretariat for the International Year of Peace (1986) N.Y., wrote to Stein Roar Andersen, the founder of the science
of wholeness enterprise and the Royal Principle of World Peace" We truly appreciate your effort in promoting the Royal
Principle of World Peace." This principle that all of us living on this beautiful planet of ours must stay and grow together,
achieve progress and enjoy fulfilment together. The principle is developed also as New Fundamental Human Right and Duty and
in 1986 stein Roar Andersen founded the movement Together for Peace.
Television, newspapers etc. makes a business of this shame for world society, each and one of us, that those working within
world economy may be compared to Holocaust train workers. Bad news, violent crime movies etc. is part of the picture. Newspapers
and television may enjoy a huge potential for economic growth by co-operation with Global Times; however, they have not done
their part so far! So in this and in other relations, do not leave the responsibility to others. Do not hide behind that others
do injustice so those participating in world and local economy may be compared to Holocaust train workers. Do not leave the
responsibility to others, do your duty now that a perfect answer is found to the need and challenge of time.
Now, and always now is the time to act, unto this suffering is removed as a world problem. So inspire others to join in
today! Those not doing their duty must be suspected for finding the enterprise to be too good to be trough or not wanting
the kids of the world to enjoy enough and healthy food. In case of the first we have founded Union of World Kingship foundation
to transcend such barriers.
Participation in the campaign is important, not sending money, however if it is easy and without strain for you to send
money, it might be your duty or joy to promote world Peace Campaign!
The money received goes to promote ending world hunger accordingly, 90% by giving minimum income and 10% administration
of the campaign! The movement Together for Peace welcomes all humanitarian aid organisations to join in collective effort
This mail is found by the Internet location
(in stead of attachment) while it was found today and your urgent responds, should be today you may agree, while if you
achieve to find to persons agreeing with you in the simple fact of 2-4-16-... and possible saving of thousand of children
every day within a week or two, if everyone within the next hour find to others to fulfil the re
sponsibility of each and one of us for global development of our world society.
It is also possible to combine this by our World Peace Campaign Mailing list.
The list function like this:
You mail to others perhaps by your mailing list, this introduction as an invitation those receiving it to give you the
right to present to their address in a mail to us with our right to add their address to our list!
Your mail is also hereby an invitation to them to do the same, to collect mailing addresses for our
World Peace Campaign Mailing List.
You therefor add this introduction and invitation into your mail, but also add it as attachment from where they can copy
it in their mail when they invite others.
Important: the mail to us should have subject only: World Peace Campaign Mailing List
and the content of the mail should have only email addresses one address, one line! If you have given your own adress
to someones gathering of a listcontribution, do not add your own adress to the list, otherwise put it on top!
Please, be free to visit our main page, too! http://club1008.tripod.com
Not one, but 2 CDs of the same book is available for the same price of one. It is a excellent gift. The CD book by Club 1008
The Revolution of Science
Together for Peace
- our Succsess book from 1986 printed in 10,000 copies and well received around the world, is scanned and easy to read
page forward and back html version. It includes the up to date reference book of the Science of wholness enterprice,
Chellenge of Time with and introduction to Club 1008 (html)
also presented in "Word edition"
It includes a few Global Times magazines with timeless introduction of the latest developments and an introduction to
Global Times E-subscription and a message to the Children of the World
Challenge of Time CD Book: 2 for the price of one! Excellent gift!
Please get in touch and join our mailing list for sales and specials by a free E-subscription Global Times! We shall be grateful
to receive your order for a CD Book and stamps and administration is added when having to send out of Norway, expect about
US $ 32, only all together! The CD book campaign is based on trust and peoples control by communicating by mail the CD eBook
number and to make sure that one knows the person or organisation selling, if not
a copy of his ID shown should be his duty to present!
You can e-mail us at:
It is my personal responsibility the business. Stein Roar Andersen P. O. Box 3416, 7425 Trondheim Norway. Mail by Subject
"CD offer" is best.