To establish local and global networks to fulfil important pillars of New Fundamental Global Order as a safetynet for all,
may be a good business in itself developing. Network business opportunities which is not illegal money games, is established
as accepted good opportunities within the needs of good income and wealth building. We have developed creative adaptations
to what is legal and what gives good income with a profit potential assosiated with pyramids.
The opportunity is achieved by the risk of investing some money and some time parttime work perhaps, the organisation
of integrating people in the network fulfills a duty as a global citizen, we may easily argue is everyones responsibility
and therefore gives everyone the opportunity within the dignity of not working for money itself, just fulfilling natural duties
and see how once economy can be developed and naturally rewarded for the good one is doing in the world.
Universitas publishing is established as a foundation representing the selling of books, publications and units of information
by cooperation with Global Times and The Library of the Unity of Science developing new fundamental information, communication,
research and education order!
First unit of information available costing 200 N.kr. is the course to achieve university degree as a independendt salesperson
or business. The same unit may be achieved by membership in the Pyramid Club for the same sum.
Wealth building has several approaches and we hope to reach a 108 concepts soon. Just dealing with stocks is one such
approach and a extremly promising pyramid development by the stock compasnies to be established, is found, within the concept
of legal networkdevelopments of course. As all fast growing adventuresin the stock marked as the IT business a few years ago,
it is close to that of a pyramid or a baloone, in the end there is only collaps. However, in our development perfect adjustment
to what is needed is there, so when the network is fulfilled, its worth is much more for each, than any sum used to build
it represents.
The achieved invested money should be used for safe investments only representing values expected to raise in value, rather
than spending the money, it is saved in projects giving others opportunity to integrate their duty within the network, as
a platform for growth on all levels.
A program to build healthy inexpensive houses with home offices as a first second or perhaps third home for participants
is one such approach, the pyramid Bank represents.
It is a great joy to offer you an opportunity to join in and we welcome you to copy the following and send it as a mail to
Rajananda Dhananjaya by this mail adressess:
Club1008@lycos.com, padma@emailaccount.com
Subject: Pyramidbank opportunities
(Your name) I herby apply for the following pyramid bank opportunities:
I am interested in baying stocks in the company with expected 9% higher price each week.
I am interested in registering others applying for baying stocks at the first expansion of stocks in the Pyramid Bank
stock company about to be established.
I am interested in membership in the pyramid club or the NOK 200,-kr E-course to become an accepted salesperson for Universitas
Publishing Information Units as books, publications, concept definitions, courses, videos etc.
I respect that lojalty both ways is the key and I am willing to verify this as a foundation for cooperation and sharing
of information and opportunities of secret knowledge and keys for success not here revealed.