This is where we give our customers a chance to tell us what they think about our web site. Is there anything you would
like to see us offer? Do you have any questions or comments? Our business depends on your satisfaction, so please let us know
what you think.
108,- Norwegian kroner may be kept by those selling directly within the campaign as bookshop, organisation or private
citizen. 108,-kr is kept by me as private business to keep the foundation free of risks of business. 36,- kr I keep for my
own expense including production, 36,- kr goes to those doing the same job as me if there is one and then 36,- kr -72,-kr
goes to the independent foundation Club 1008 to administer the campaign around the world to end world hunger as the Holocaust
of our time!
Citizens wanting membership of the campaign with the CD Book sent as a registered letter, may send only Norwegian kroner
144,- with a message, please register Club 1008 membership. then one pays for membership and no selling of CD routines with
possible international legal questions to be considered. We welcome Membership, and members may ask 2 friends or family to
join in, sharing the expenditure of membership and add their names as members, too! When receiving the CD Book, the new member
may download the book on his own computer and give the 2 books to the others.
Please, add when sending money (no cash in an evelope, ease) add message, Please register Club 1008 Membership for
(Name and Adress including email of one or two persons) and mayself, and give complete name and adress to yourself.
Just click this address to send us e-mail:
Main page
We have to get a better page with automatic answeres etc soon, when our 5MB mailbox we hope is to small, soon!
Better Business Site to without ads and popups we head for, too as fast as income makes it natural. It is a good offer from
tripod, practical and rich, but to handle millions of visitors etc. our own programs perhaps must be established.