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Året for vårt felles eller kongelige bibliotek samfund av global integritet

Home | torgetmøtet, verdens største kongress | Skandinavias Hovedstad | Året for vårt felles eller kongelige bibliotek samfund av global integritet | Å REDDE TORGET PRAKTISK TALT UNDER VANN ALLEREDE, ER DESVERRE EN GOD KLIMAREALITET KONKRETISERING | KJØP EN KLIMASKIP OBLIGASJON | TORGKONFERANSEN TORGMØTET | Titanic Klubben. Nidaros Court, 2, / Nidaros torg, skip 2

Året ble invidd vårjevndøgn eller 20 mars 2012 og er det felleskap av netverksbygging som utgjør infrastrukturen av global integritet og er et fundament for det eneste felles verdensforsvar vi har med realisering av globalt, intet politisk demokrati for kontroll av kunskap og kommunikasjon bl.a. Vårt Felles Imperium av Global Integritet planlegger å bygge over 100 000 miljøskip og ved disse følger Imperiets Kroner av Vitenskap med 108 ministerier ved hvert skips byregjering. Mens en nobelprisvinner eller professor ved spesialisering har lært mer og mer om et isolert område, vil Imperiets Krone representere hvordan et fagområde integreres i biblioteket av enheten av vitenskap og representere en høyere autoritet ved felles referansesenter. Universiteter kan søke om å oppnå en krone om de vil realisere et byggeprosjekt i samsvar med Miljø Universitet, standardisert program og har spesialfelt de mener de kan beherske. Universitetet ved rektor kan da nyte Kronen eller den eller de ved flerfaglig team som har ekspertisen, eller begge deler.

Der er utgitt vårt årsmagasin 20 sider A4 som presenterer siste tegninger for klimaskipet og teknologi vi kan integrere og der er en CD bok som inkluderer dette magasin i PDF presentasjon, sammen med et par bøker tidilgere trykket og forrige års magasin ved  Året for Klimabiblioteket av Integrert Vekst. Å  bygge et nytt internet, integritetnet er et tema og alles medlemskap ved epostabonnement, så langt ved eksisterende internet og kontrolrutiner som Torgmøtet. Eabonnementet ved kurs vel bestått kan gi redaktørposisjon ved Golden Times med adgang til å bidra til referansesenteret og vi håper folk flest snart blir redaktør. Alle som har lest alt på norsk på vår hjemmeside kan regne seg som medlem av torgmøtet, mens registrering av medlemskap er mer omstendig med bevitnelse av medlemskapet. Der er en 2-4-8-16... kampanje hvor alle registrerer 2 nye, mens bevitnelse ved oppstart skjer på Torgmøtet og vi innbyr alle til å skrive referat av hva funnet på vår hjemmeside og for de som vil samspille om å gi presentasjon av referatet ved foredrag på torget, altså etter avtale med Anand ( Rajananand Dhananjaya ).

Der i prinsippet koster intet for å bli registrert i Torgmøte kampanjen men for å delta i 2-4-8-16... betaler man 20 kr for andres registrering, i alt 40 kr for 2 og administrerer insendelse av registreringen til Anand, etter nærmere avtale og bevitner 5 forran en i torgmøte stafetten og 6 etter en ved 2 personer. Satser man 40 kr og administrasjon og lykkes er der 5000 kr til dekning av utgifter og egen lønn som selvstendig næringsdrivende (altså deltakerne betaler en for bevitnelse og innsendelse), hvorav 1008 er forventet å nyttes til ny satsning med fortjenestepotensial. Mer enn 3000 kr kan man da beregne i egen lønn og med satsning for formuebyggende inntekter! Man skal ha et utkomme for virke sier Grundloven og der blir fort utgifter av porto, kopier, konvolutter etc. og disse dekket er naturlig. Velkommen med i torgmøte stasfetten, i mål når folk flest i Trondheim er med. Bergen er utfordret til konkuranse om bygging av klimaskip først.
tema; torgmøtestafetten, anand@hotmail.no



Vår logo er også flagget for vårt felles imperium av global integritet.

Ps. Universitas Yantra, vår logo av global intehritet, kan nyttes til meditasjonen som oppøver evnen til å se helheten og betydningen ab riktig og presist perspektiv i motsetning til fsgidioti og sneversyn, forurensning, korupte særinteresser etc. Nyt å vokse i global integritet ved vår logo.
Internationalt er temaet:
Mission Nidaros Cathedral
Operation Rescue the Nidaros Ship
The building is in Norwegian often referred to as ship and if the sea raises as much as expected, if we do not do anything as a world society, not doing anything as a whole or by our common world defense, as the world is doing worse, the cathedral will soon go under water and the situation is just like a hundred years ago, after Titanic hit the ice and the water almost one meter up and raising, by do sudden jumps, by logic and common sense related to known facts of the balances of climate change!
If you can read English you may order our Annual Magazine this year unto Spring Equinox focusing on The Climate Library of Integrated Growth. Next years team, fromthe Day of Global Integrity, Spring Exinox in Norway, have the theme of Royal Library Society. The magazine of next year commin in March is about to be edited and here is a taste:

The year of the climate library identified the true challenge of climate change by the missing link of existing interdisciplinary research and consideration by the UN climate panel and other scientists around the world. The climate change is well documented so also what to expect from such changes earlier. The changes now, manmade they say, is coming 20 times faster than changes before and each year faster than scientists expected. The nature of change has been known for about 24 years and Oxford scientists means 1999 was the year for action, still every year since one has added to the problem already accumulated in the atmosphere and in the sea and even more than in 1999, so we are not doing nothing, the world is adding more and more pollution to the extreme imbalance every year. The reason for scientists not to be able to calculate the accelerating momentum of climate change is due to the situation that it is worse than one like to know. Scientist, businesses as oil industry, organizations and governments are the reason for the problem, they did not only cause it, they upholds it and makes it worse every year. Admitting that they are not in control and the reason for the destruction of the world is not easy and even people, at least those in the rich world may be blamed or at least be said to have a huge depth, as if you caused trouble by poisoning the drinking water of a city. Midwinter in December in Scandinavia is not the coldest time of the year, coldest probably in February, due to it takes time for the cold to get into the ground and cool the ocean. The temperature very much depends on the Gulf Stream by this winter. The accumulated greenhouse effect is not seen at once, it takes time to melt ice and heat the deep ocean. It is just like boiling water, the heating is already maximum, but the water is not boiling, yet, it just takes a little time for the water to be according to the heating, as it takes time for World Ocean to be according to the actual heating of the climate change greenhouse effect of accumulated CO2 in the atmosphere! They say we cannot pass plus 2 degrees Celsius and expect present change is about 0,8 degrees above normal. But by the missing link, the nature of the accelerating momentum of climate change, a phase transition or sudden change may occur any time meaning the temperature may suddenly become higher or worse in few weeks the ocean sea level may rise 6-12m as a start. There are icebergs out there large enough to do so and it corresponds to 2-3 degrees plus temperature, or only today plus 1,2 degrees, which may already be the situation. The 50 top meters of the ocean have increased temperature above normal enough to melt that much ice if as the Larsen B ice self by the size of France, melted in few weeks goes same way! West side of Antarctic has large icebergs which can raise sea temperature and what happens 1000 km away affects Antarctic which for instance may be hit by extreme weather. Here updraft towers, as many as climate ships, 108 000, 12 km tall may do a difference! It is now about 100 years since Titanic hit an iceberg, and the world may be seen as after the hit, about to go under, and sea level have raised 0,8m already, and no one knows what happens next, no one can proof scientifically that we are not going down next year or next month. Unfortunately by common sense and known facts, the risk is real, and it is terrorism against humanity acting as the risk is not there. Pure logic indicates beyond doubts that the world is going down, and if sea level raises 6m, world economy is collapsing and organization to deal with the problems are not there. Wars or terror or organizations of military capacity probably is raping the world if it happens, as intelligent people those in the business of investing money, is taking out money to be prepared and protect themselves as probably reason for economic problems in the world last years. It is more like titanic going down, the orchestra is playing music and the lifeboat situation is failing of 2 reasons. But if the world is collapsing there is nowhere to go in a lifeboat, the destruction will be everywhere. The situation will be like a science fiction horror film, if we do not balance global warming and climate change and other imbalances of World Ocean. CO2 damage is real and both man made and uphold in spite of the risk for total damage of the world as we know it and the facts are so real that we can not ignore the risk and play Russian roulette. 800,000 years according to studies shows temperature on earth and CO2 concentration follows by change and the meassure starts with heating, indicating perhaps that it takes time for CO2 to fall down where meassured and that present accumulation in the oceam is from the period 1970-1990 and a lot more is comming. Scientist, experts in the field says the ocean and 50% of the oxygen production may be dead in 30 years and only 1-2 percent pluss minus oxygen is extreme damage! The biggest risk may be loss of oxygen and within few years. Further studies by expert scientists tells that present  concentration of CO2 one must go 15 million years to find and  this tells that the present real temperature is 4 degrees higher than meassured owing to the fast change and time needed to melt ice and heat the deep oceans. Sealevel is 40m higher so the Operation to rescue the Nidaros cathedral from beeing a 20m deep swinging pool may be a good example showing the problem, what the change means and that the challenge is not met, national defence ignores it and most people in Trondheim do not join in our common world defense, whose leader meets problems in Trondheim living a normal life by the economy he have. Leaders by politics, university and other organisations creates difficulties, actually, as no onw should besuccsessful outside the established patterns, so to say. We have pointed out the nature of the accelerating climate change for a decade, where scientists all the time says it comes faster than expected, it is a slowness in the fast changes and even know where all facts have verified our statements, no one says, what to do, what must be done, but our one and only common world defense by Rajananand Dhananjaya.


The price of the magazine sent you bay email is 108 NOK or as CD book including much more, 324 NOK or sent you as letter, printed version, 216 NOK.



copyrigths, all rigths reserved. However, for your personal meditation only, be free to print above meditation poster, 1 copy you may enjoy for free accordingly!
Universitas Yantra is also the flag of global integrity and the united world experience.
Vi mener at ved samme inteligens som hele yanraen at swastikaen inngår i tusenåroh pyramidearkirektur og meget eldre en nasistenes hakekors. Integrert i logoen er den populært "et klimaterrorist stempel" mot dagens Holocaust, med egenylig sumbolik inteligent med oprimal koherens, felles strategi og samling om felles verdens forsvar.
