Club 1008 and other interests of mine. - Anand.

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Misunderstandings to be avoided

maharishi Mahesh Yogis movement has copied more and more of our concepts during the last 5 years clusters of origionally developed concept by the infrastructure of world peace

We have protested in the interest of true kowledge so noone

You should not mistake them for being our initiative and comming to copying new, orgionally developed concepts of ours, and their relationship to each other and to the world partly may even be said to be illegal and we have protested.

As we suggest cooperation with Dalai lama, the following initiative for Maharishi Mahahesh Yogis movement also called global country of world peace, we give:

It is a great joy to offer assisatance with the Constitution of the "Global Country of World Peace". prakriti, the constitution of the universe may be said to be held pure by the inteløligence of Rig Veda, and for society Manu has given basic laws. But a independent country should have independence by governing principles, as there exist many ministries adjusted to the present world society and that the raj, Maharishis formost servant takes a position in the world. No, relationship to the personns of the world exist and no opportunity for world society to relate to the new country, if you just are praying to Agni. well as you state, the country is just for its citizens, with establkished membership, but what does this membership means, in terms of practical organisation, positions, responsibility etc. establishing a fan club is ok, but what does it mean. As expert on the Constitution of Norway , TM teacher and founder of World Constitution of our global homeland (see:, I really may be best qualified to assist. Further challenging independent countries boarders by not respecting them, is not taken seriously, however, if you by legal or other means have to be taken seriously, your position probably as presented is illegal in all other countries in the world. Therefor relating to the non political world Constitution, representing a environmental city of global land with the purpose of making vedic knowledge freely available by health questions and reference centres of the library of the unity of science, you may fulfil your aspirations and raise above the vedic limmit of not teaching for money in order not to be involved or corrupted. Such a country with its owndemocratic constitution, with or without land would be taken seriously and represent a real value, not some religious fantism, many will find.

Covering expenses, secretary etc. we expect you to do. Some $ 30.000,- initial payment is expected if you have the flexibility to consider real foundations of succsess.

Opportunities for cooperation are many all based on communicating respect for World Constitution of our global homeland, of ours as the first approach.

Copying may also be said to be a compliment and we have invited Maharishi Mahesh Yogi honoured as maharaj of his international organisation, also called global country of world peace and his raj (king) Nader established in our theme year for royal unification of world society. Such things as calling themself a country without boarders may indicate illegal trying to represent our one and only trancendnational global integration of our global home

The concept of trancendnational was introduced with the book World Peace THE FULFILMENT OF WORLD CIVILIZATION (1991) but the enterprice to build the Capital city of the world with my royal position was introduced a decade earlier. Our invitation to cooperate with us and define what is what is ignored and such invitations last a week and is not upheld. However all citizens and all organisations is welcome to cooperate with our enterprice.

Owing to my personal insigth and decisions in this , the foundation not partaking in the consideration, has droped the invitation given. Negotiations with the foundations for cooperation is possible. My personal opinion outside the enterprice and the humanitarian foundations is that they upheld the same illegal disrespect for the integrity of the countries of the world and rules of democracies by treathing to accept them by voodoo powers so to say. Further they demonstrate blasphemi to the extent of being illegal in Norway by stating that their kingship is supported by the laws of nature, the will of god. Outside being a pure religion, stating representing the will of god

is illegal blaspheme. Perhaps reserved expression may be by someones understanding within what is ok, but down to fact statements seems not acceptable. Further the will og god and support from laws of nature is 2 different things as Bhisma in mahabratha teling, enjoyed the support of the laws of nature to a level of invincibility, but he did not enjoy the will of god. Further as they illegalyy may be said to represents concepts given as a gift to all citizens of the world by our enterprise, they seems to ant to represent the pure being and consciousness of all people by possesing the veda as a illusion may be seen. It is not vedic at all as Rig Veda they presents as a Constitution of the Universe (and theirs), which is not true, Rig Veda represents so to say the advice of the owner, Agni the demigod, of how to live life not to be fried by the sun with time as a chef. further they may not to be said to represents the values of Guru dev either, the former chankaracharya of northern India (perhaps to be said to be the opoe of India) whos values ir represented by the present chankaracharya who is said to have stated that it is not correct to sell vedic knowledge and meditation as Maharishis organisations does. World Governments President Guru Dev was then considered honouring the inspiration of Guru Dev, but now with the idea of representing veda as a owned value, then it is illegal. perhaps all these things are signs that Maharishi mahesh Yogi has not been with us for many years, upheld by thousends of hours video recordings etc. They can not represents what they try to say they own, including the consciousness of the people of the world, governments of independent countries and the many meditators and teachers of meditation by Maharishis own movement, comming to legal representation stating kingship etc. They is without land and may represent less than than a 100 persons, comming to legal agreements. This is because it is a international political force they represents, not pure values and they state that this force has powers of punsihment for those not agreeing. That was their first approach and 11 of september may be seen as a demonstration of their force when treathening the President of USA once by Clinton and a gathering in Washinton. very important, i do not at all say that they are involved in any activities leading to the actual organisation of the twin towers fall. It is more a spell of words, more like voodoo without any concrete promotion of action. I very well it may not at all be connected, they may not even have thougth about when it happened. But the demonstration was giving an immidiate treath bach, while Maharishis tallest building of the world twin towers project Brasil and India of course was disturbed. The example may not be a fact, but how they think about their punsihing power, at least, what they mean, probably.

The vedic knowledge however is supreme and represents values for world society as Auyr veda regognised as a complete health science by UN. When Maharishis organisations presents these values even incompletly and products according to traditioonal recepies, they shares something good. Enjoying such products includes no particular involvement with their country (probably not the music tradition) as bying raisins from california is not said to support the war of Bush! My personal advice is that they reorganises World Government where Guru Dev is presented as President 8may be said to be illegal too) and their present organisation and pays me a million dollar or so to assist them in getting a kingdom of their international organisations which may be based on true and lasting values without need for chancing every 2 or 3 years or something.

I myself was educated a Teacher of the Age of Enlightenment in 1977 by Maharishi European Research University and find it therefor correct to assist with my position as leading experts on constitutions, as of Norway as a democracy.

Maharishis movement holds a better standard than rest of society in manye areas and is contributing with valuable knowledge from the vedic tradition. When we have How We Won the World planned trilogy with first movies theme Do not loose yourself, it is by direct inspiration from Maharishi mahesh Yogi who have translated too from Mahavaratha where som many popular movies has got their inspiration. Matrix may be related to chakras and 108 and 1008, mystic nymbers in magic balances within the palace of the first preliminaru capitalcity of the world, theme of movie 2, when we have ended world poverty as a problem.

We shall be grateful to hear from them accordingly.


When using the conspts of the science of wholeness enterprise to copy the expressions as global country, global bank, environmental cities with organic food production including vedic city, kingship etc. they seems to have a bad conscience and seeks to find good reasons for steeling by higher purposes as the blasphemy "the will of god" . The following presentation and pictures of MUM university representatives planting a flag in USA land (a flag with the a sun just as ours established years before them symbolising something of world organisation is steeling as well , not being inspired because it seems in competetion, we are not competing with them) resulted in questions to MUM university of their "vedic city".

"In addition, they are reciting the 40 aspects of Veda and Vedic Literaturethe Vedic sounds which are the impulses of Natural Law itself at the basis of human and Cosmic physiologyand invoking the DevatasMahalakshmi, Maha Ganapati, Maha Vishnu, and Maha Durgathe supreme administrators of the universe whom Raja Nader Raam-ji has discovered seated in our human brain." Do the Nader kingship includes persons with demons playing games in their brains, because Durga, a trancendental being is not seated in the physiology of relativity of a persons body, more east we guess on the lines of chakras above the 144 related to individual persons existence.

MUM wanted to answere questions on the net, so we did raise questions:

ladies and Gentlemen, Dear university representatives,

my question is a very good one, because every government must consider it before accepting anything from your university and it is:

if it is possible to say that you have a university foundation and not that of a specialised school of extrem secteriansim of hinduism. You have as head of organisation a raj of a religious based country, a faith country not that of boarders, which says that all citizens of this country have 4 demigods sitting in their brains and being the one found that, he hasd those dfemigods within all brains as his servant, about communicated idea. it seems sick even from hinduism to say that this has to do with will of god. Mahabaratha presents krishna as a person with will, and his will is not the will of the oposing army with person probobly more suported from the laws of nature than any within the country of world peace, which also represent a treath against other countries depebnding on the good will of this global political force, whwere the legal system will not work, as stated, unless by Ray Naders administration. It seems as blashphemy from all religions point of view!


The question if USA no is a kingdom with its own peace mafia government and an international king with a capital city in Fairfield where they planted their flag, is a good one. They have no respect for boarders, they have none to protect, but their illusion goes further.

Most important question they do not want to answere, they are busy fooling some else, may be a conclusion. In respect here is the answere given by someone not knowing what he is in together doing:

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From: "Harry Pavelka" <>

To: <>

Subject: Re: we need to know in order to relate to

Date: Tue 03/09/04 02:08 PM


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Dear stein,

Please do not ask me to contact these other organizations. I am very


with inquiries to Maharishi University of Management. With a little

internet research you can contact them. All that I told you is correct.

----- Original Message -----

From: "stein andersen" <>

To: "Harry Pavelka" <>; "stein andersen (By way of" <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 2:46 PM

Subject: Re: we need to know in order to relate to

> dear Harry,

> your university is the seat of a vedic city governed by and integral


of global country of world peace concept.

> all questions are extremly logical and down to earth by statements and

internet presentation comming from you, not from anyone else. please


my question to Maharishi, Nader, head of the university etc. and know if


give an answere acceptable the question rests, otherwise the next you


here the questions from are newspapers and governments. i realy think


is an imbalance here and when I took my TTC phase 3 in 77 I was best


TM teacher by theirtetical knowledge, excelent in all theoretical proofs


MIU and MERU. So do not run away from a question based facts by a person

with extraordinary insigth.

> jgd

> Stein Roar Andersen





> --- "Harry Pavelka" <> wrote:

> Dear Stein,

> Your question, if I understand it properly, is "do we have a


foundation?" The answer is "Yes". Maharishi University of Management are


fully accredited university through the PhD level. Our courses are

transferable for credit to other accredited universities. We are not a

religious university, but even if we were, there are many religious

universities that are accredited legitimate universities.

> If you have questions about the Spiritual University of America,


or Raj Nader you will need to contact those organizations.



We register that they still have a complete copying of our initiativ for removing poverty from the world, only isolated to 40 countries and to represent their world domination idea. Copied is perhaps a hundred of the more than thousend origional ideas we have developed as our enterprise most of them in the eigthies, and on all levels including international structure of organisation. It is a shame because before they established their invitation a few years ago, we invited them to join ours! So when presenting a decent invitation based on a one and only organisation origionally developed, they want to sell the whole concept to the 40 poorest country as far as they governs they land, the people of the countries may have most of the billions of dollar profitt. It is a shame because our organisation is better and if they joined our initiativ by invitation given them in stead of stealing in order to dominate rather than cooperate, we may have succeded by now, because they are good administrators, same for UN presenting rather a 10 year program to make povert half, accepting the billion of people dying in the period because they do not want to cooperate. All countries, UN and several organisations was invited to join in years before we presented our invitation, not to dominate, but to cooperate meeting the challenge and true opportunity of time. Soon after we have prooved how real and practical the initiative is.........
It seems like Maharishi Mahesh Yogis movement is violating vedic rules as that of the cast system by Guru Devs teaching and that of meditation. They are promoting so much good knowledge, but comming to meditation, is it very good to ttrancend inwards enjoying silence. But the silence should be not used or given puroposes, just as a brhamasthan in a house not should be opened and free, to enjoy being alone. Sidhi techniques may be good training, but giving it purposes by 1% demonstrations as in washinton one summer and giving it a dedication to fulfil the movements role in the world is not natural. When fulfilled it is by tradition both inwards and outwards trancending simutanoulsy and by meditation by krishna, not by persnal ambitions of a few persons of a group. Combining meditation and "global country" is combining roles of 2 different casts, with the same mistake as meditation inwards only with a purpose different from that of finding peace alone.
and again,- it is a compliment and a demonstration to the world that values is appriciated, the decision prooccessen for copying our initiative to a degree where it is clearly illegal is not known. Many protested is given. If it was a suggestion for cooperation according to patterns established by us, it would have been ok, but trying to be the initiative origionally developed for the people of the world and by "Maharishi offered to a dead man, guru dev" which can not protest on their abuse, is confusing for the world. Therefor it is our duty, my personal duty, to protest and inform the world about the misunderstandings which may accure when they upheld copycat activities! We have developed by september 2004 Global Times Quaterly Magazine an approach which they are welcome to accept as an invitation, very much our old but perfected by integrating several approaches and also patent technology of ours for deserts and pure ater from saltwater and pure energy! An invitation to all in the whole world, to join in organising production, distribution and guaranteed access to healthy food for all!

Jai Guru Dev is a natural ending here, while the inspiration of this expert of yoga has given many good developments. It means thanks! We do the above critical research as a pure duty while it may be seen as we have established the olympic games and then someone start to the the same thing ignoring the true initiative. When Maharishis movement have a year of Peace Palaces (our origional concept copied) we made a point that the true potential and opportunity of raising above the mistakes, lies in joining our enterprize building the origional peace palace, sort for palace of the infrastructure of world peace, a second or third home for everyone with office of global world democracy. It is the duty of Maharishis movement to correct the imbalances so that there is no rooms for mistakes and by communicating respect for our origional intiative, this is possible!

Our Global Homeland with the non political World Constitution of the global safetynet New Fundamentl Global Order, do not interfere with the many countries and organisations in the world, nor with the freedom of its citizens. We plan to build many new countries in cooperation with other countries and the latest is a floating island in the air with 2016 appartments about 55 m2 and many singlerooms halls and greenhouse gardens etc.

All countries joining in our enterprise or supporting the universal cooperation of the people of the world on the national level or related to the government of the country, we honour as a global country of world peace and hope this

country finds an ambasadeur upholding our communication and accepts an ambassadeur from us by usual diplomatic immunity. When we may build an ambassy in the country, the head of the state is honoured as Maharaj of his global country of world peace as we welcome huge industries and organisations as UN, Maharishis Movement, World Bank, Red Cross etc. to find an ambassadeur as well and join in one or 2 of our standardized routines of cooperation, programs to assist the people of the world to fulfil the saftynet by natural intagration according to universally acceptable principles of World Constitution. At this poiny we may honour the leader as Maharaj of hisorganisation, as Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as Maharaj. When all this was our orgional developed concept and this is also so in the purpose of truth, true knowledge, this is our boarder towards the not verified global country of world peace by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, at least said to be by!
Ps. when we suggested Maharishis position was related unatural to God, we must state that he did end the Natural Law party with the idea that they represented the will of God, possible an idea not created by him. We registeres that Maharihi auyr veda is accepted o be part of the tradition by some all indian ayur veda board, however, if auyr veda was purely restored, there probably was no problems in the world, including the all indian group verifying maharishis products and service. However, it is pssible that major mistakes is done, as switching pitta and vata time of the day and the way it is introduced to the world. It is vedic understanding that one do nor promote vedic teaching for money, and even if they have improved by internetpages generously giving free information, this is done as promotion of expensive products as well.


The hydrogen society we need as fast as possible- a complete project!

Scandinavian Climate Fund registers global warming as real and so do all. In Sweden average winter temperature is 2 degrees hotter than normal and all around the world “permanent ice” is gone! Someone says it is no danger, but UN and scientists agrees, unwanted changes must come, but not so fast that we can not wait 7 years. The danger picture is real and unfortunately it is not unthinkable from pure logic and common sense that just a few weeks and the world as we know it is gone. It is real, this is not a catastrophic picture of fantasy or somewhere else. All world may be hit and even by oxygen balance, already changed a little. The ocean has raised 20 cm and thereby increased pressure on the pole ice and has accumulated pollution and more than a 100 million ton of plastic posioning and all we do not know about as Indian ocean is known to be polluted. Our Common World Defense has a 2. priority focus on pollution too, but if not unthinkable the sea rises a few meters, the gulf stream disappears and the ocean is changed, then oxygen production may be gone fast. The climate fund is part of Global Integrated Growth Cool Climate Change Crises Control Venture Capital Fund to establish 1008 stock companies on each large ship where 200 000 is planned! Nobel Peace Prize winner Gore has a dvd introduction to the problem suggesting that it is scientifically proven than it already should have been hotter, the balance is not established yet owing to so much ice melted. It is important it is an imbalance already established in the sea and in the atmosphere, and owing to one million sq km of missing and the imbalance of greenhouse gases already there the sea becomes hotter and owing to continued pollution and permafrost problems, the greenhouse-gasses is increasing keeping even more heat. It is not so that if we start reducing CO2 pollution in 7 years the problem is solved, while the imbalance is there already and growing. So when the Climate Fund promotes integrating the hydrogen society in the world as soon as possible presenting by using 1 million sq km mirrors perhaps 12 km above equator, it is not mainly to stop polluting, even though twice as much energy than used as oil is planned produced in form of hydrogen. It is to use so much heat from the sun that the ocean is heated less in order to freeze global warming Then when the infrastructure and resources are there by control of global pure non political world democracy we can see how much is needed to even reduce global warming, and because it is a balance, the people of the world can control it, without any interest of profit to promote isolated growth without integrity!”

Good suggestions of how to produce energy for cars and transport, for electricity and heating or cooling in buildings etc. exists together with this project to produce all the energy the world needs, for one and all!



Alt universitetet trenger å gjøre for å ødelegge verden, som de siste 2030 år er intet, deres korupte oppbygging kan vurderes som en terrorist organisering i lag med tredje verdens krig analysene.
2 ansatte ntnu avviste terroranalysen, men en innrømmet at logikken er riktig og da ntnu ikke kan sies ikke å vite bedre ...
vi anbefaler alle til å bidra til en konferanse med noen millioner for å gjøre den internasjonal på kort sikt for å undersøke spørsmålet.
Rajananand Dhananjaya
P. O. Box 22
7400 Trondheim, Norway
Global Integrity Research Scientist
(Excuse the page adds , not ours!)

Alt godt folk trenger å gjøre for å ødelegge verden er intet, klima ubalansene og verdens økonomien er slik, at folk er aktivt ansvarlig for å ødelegge verden med forurensning og deltakelse i økonomisk aktivitet med ekstreme biprodukter som statistikk for fattigdom viser. 50 000 barn  dør hver dag av fattigdom sies det, stadig vekk utryddes arter og klimaendringene er så alvorlig at intet å gjøre er terrorisme mot menneskeheten, ja selv om de som hevder at der er ingen menneske skapte klimaendringer har rett.  Det kan ikke bevises og da sunn fornuft klart fastslår at der er ikke utenkelig at verden slik vi kjenner den kan forgå, faktisk på noen uker I verst tenkelige tilfeller.. En slik risiko å ta er verre en å være ekstremt beruset og sette seg I bilen å kjøre gjennom byen I stor fart, risikoen for at det går galt er ekstrem I forhold til alvoret og mulig skade man kan forårsake! Så vi sier man er ikke blant godt folk lengre om man ikke deler vårt felles verdens forsvar felles svar til utfordringen, og ikke fordi vi sier så, men fordi det er alvoret i situasjonen vi poengterer. FNs klimapanel sier at klimaendringene er menneske skapte og kommer av akkumulerte drivhusgasser høyt oppe i jordas atmosfære og gir drivhuseffekten, varme slipper ikke ut som før og temperaturen på jorda øker. Senere har mer enn en million km2 med is fra havets overflate forsvunnet, noe som øker oppvarmingen av havet, som regulerer temperaturen på jorda. Norge er avhengig av varmen i golfstrømmen for eksempel. Derfor kan man anta at termostat balansen er høyere enn de ca 0,7 grader Celsius økt gjennomsnitt temperatur registrert, fordi det tar tid å varme opp de store dyp og fordi det stadig smelter is som tilfører kulde i havet. Der er derfor store ubalanser mot normalt som kan resultere i fasetransformasjoner eller plutselige endringer og ved kjente data er det ikke utenkelig med 6 m plutselig stigning av havnivået, at golfstrømmen forsvinner, at oksygenproduksjonen ved havstrømmene forstyrres betydelig i forhold til total ødeleggelse av verden slik vi kjenner den. Selv meget mindre som start vil kunne resultere i kollaps av verdens økonomien kriger og uorden hvor verdens muligheter for å gjøre det som trengs ikke bare er for sent, men også uten praktiske organiseringer til å møte utfordringene! Tredje verdens krig pågående er verre enn andre verdens krig, både totalt og ved Holocaust. Det samlede svar, infrastrukturen av global integritet, er slik at det representerer hva en må gjøre, hva verden bør gjøre nå, uansett om det er klimaendringer som må møtes eller ei, hva hver og en, alle som en, må gjøre for ikke å bedrive krig mot folk og terrorisme mot menneskeheten. Filmaid programmet eller klima filmfestivalen har tema Hvordan vi vant verden, mens seieren er her hver og en som vinner en grad av global integritet, vinner over sin egen likegyldighet og går sammen om å gjøre det rette og det kan være nok at alle er med å feirer og besvarer et spørsmål, spørsmålet som feires, for at folk flest i verden setter den nye retningen til utviklingen, politikere ikke vil ta! Vi kan bare håpe at det ikke er for sent, at det er mulig som antatt å reversere klimaendringene og at folk ikke er forkrøplet, så dannelsen av vårt felles verdens forsvar tar for lang tid! Det haster, vær god registrer hos fellesforsvaret nå og finn 4 til som gjør likeså innen en uke, helst på timen! Dette av svært klartenkte folk er sunn fornuft, logisk og rasjonelt, sundt bondevett, noe man ikke kan stikke av fra som ubetydelige ideer, det gjelder ens ansvar for verdens ekstremt brutale realiteter. Ikke stikk av, lure deg unna eller vær likegyldig, slutt å ødelegg vår verden og vær med sammen for fred og global integritet ved Rajananand Dhananjaya og de stiftelser grunnlagt av ham for å fremme realiseringen av globalt, rent, intet politisk demokrati og da du er svært viktig her, det er verdens folk som kan gjøre forskjellen, ikke de organiseringer som har skap terrorismen, så er ditt svar på et spørsmål viktig. Er du med?
Studentersamfundmøte i Trondheim hadde 2 NTNU ansatte med faglig tynge og en tredje som i paneldebatt diskuterte terrorisme, hvor jeg reiste spørsmålet om klimaproblematikken ikke er en del av moderne terrorisme, hvor regjeringer truer folk med kollaps av miljøet om de ikke lar seg økonomisk, politisk og seksuelt utbytte, ved at de intet gjør. Dette var personlig spørsmål, ikke fra klimafondet, men det er lett å registrere at regjerngene er direkte ansvarlig for klimaendringene slik de ved FN klimapanel selv proklamerer de og at de ikke gjør noe, det forurenses mer i dag enn i 1999 da problemet ble idntifisert og det er kun økonomske sær interesser som gjør at man ikke produserer nok av annen energi og teknologi tilpasset. Det er lange arhumentasjonsrekker til for å være på høyden, men slettes ikke vanskelige og ganske logisk og rasjonelt. De 3 ekspertene på terrorisme utrykte samlet sympati for infallsvinkelen til at der er terrorisme mot folk ved verdens regjeringer mm, men utrykte at de ikke anså det som terrorisme. Jeg diskuterte senere med en av NTNUerne, han som ungikk mistanke for å være terrorist ved 9/11, fordi familiemedlem satt i et av flyene som crashet i world trade senteret, nå ntnu ansatt. Han innså logikken i, alt man trenger å gjøre, er intet, og konkluderte ved andre debatt på Dragvoll, "it is terrorism", når vi inkluderte vårt perspektiv på Tredje Verdenskrig, at 50 000 barn dør som vår tids Holocaust hver dag ved statestikk for fattigdom. Der brgynte doktordisputas med kirkerutiner og innmars med rektor mm og jeg gikk tidlig. Hvor klart det er innrømmet er uvist, men logikken er klar og utvedtydig, det åpenbart kan hevdes, men å utpeke en grupe som skyldige er vanskelig, da folk flest som deltar i verdens økonbomnien kan påvises å være ansvarlig.

mvh Anand
Anand er del av fornavnet Rajananand, 
Rajananand Dhananjaya
Global Integrity Research Scientist / fredsforsker
Rajananand Dhananjaya,
postbok 22, 7400 Trondheim



Subject: RE: politianmeldelse av hHustad, prorektor ntnu Re: takker for samtale i går
Date: Sun, 15 May 2011 17:05:43 +0200

ved 2 prisutdelinger har komputer og kjærlighet ved kvinnelig professor og innivator konferansier vært tema og om det er slik at de fremmer korrupsjon, ikke penger under bordet men et barn for å gjøre sukksess, er det langt mer enn 18 000 foreldre som har grunn til å reagere også mot justisministeren og co som ignorerer sinnsykdommen.
De har ikke lov til ikke å realitetsbehandle klimafond innbydelser fordi jeg utenfor som person politianmelder forholdet, som jeg må forholde meg til ntnu selv om hovmesteren er politrianmeldt. Jeg fremmer dog for ntnu kun det som er vårt generelle utgangspunkt til alle universiteter og teenger ikke habilitet for det, men hustad og rektor ved ntnu bør finne setterepresetasjon og sende alle inbydelser ogb klager til styret. Kanskje rektor ved annet universitet kan være setterepresentasjon, det er i alle uniersitets interesser så en rektor er ok.

mvh Anand
Anand er del av fornavnet Rajananand, 
Rajananand Dhananjaya
Global Integrity Research Scientist / fredsforsker
Rajananand Dhananjaya,
postbok 22, 7400 Trondheim




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The ship or floating city is 432 m long and has 16000 120 sq m appartments, large halls and city area, universities etc. The first one planned to go between Scandinavia and India and the university plans to hace 1 million Indian students working  2 hours a day, patying almost nothing related to 

Over $13 billion is spent annually by about 450,000 Indian students on higher education abroad, said Industry body Assocham.

Cruise and congress opportunities as well as energy production and transport of other ships by sq km of sail for each ship! Among the 1008 stock companies to build and uphold the floating city are the foundation of 4 presented here:


An invitation to all students, universities and schools is found here:


Here is presented the ra-yantra giving the climateship architecture, see



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