The Building of our World of Global Integrity Stah Games

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It is a great joy to introduce a film festival project to inspire persons around te world to join in promiting global integrity and by answering one question of our non political world democracy. Most people in our world standing together for global integrity is a powerful force and the movie picture itself is not important, we want to sell a billion tickets and enjoy the festival even before the film is produced. Some preliminary movie picture exoeriences may go with the festival of course. "How We Won the World OK" is going to be a celebration of sucsess, our sucsess we hope as we expect you to join in enjoying as well.
be free to send the link to all on your mailing list and inspire others to join in as well, but do not do any action outside the standardised program of network building. It is unfortunatly a pattern in all organisations that one promote one selfes or own businesses etc. as the pattern is established, waiting to the party and actually being someone there is much better, than trying by not healthy patterns

We welcome one and all to join in and if the subscriptionfee is not easy and enjoyable to pay, be free to apply for reduced price. Most of those joining the program for voluntary free work achieves a subscription by reduced price, too.

our logo is used for opening the film by a moment of silence and or meditation of the all seeing eye experience excersing the ability to focus attention and being awere of the whole at the same time, etalert i væren, utøv handling eller nyt festivaleb.
