Be free to join our common world defence by ordering your eSubscription of Global Times
world war 3 mentality, the real problem of climate change, CO2 and terorism against humanity allowing risks of
total damage of world society as we know it, is beeing guilty - join our common world defence, now
Our Common World Defense has revealed ha duty which is universal, he responsibiliy of he world citizen of our common
family land of he unied people. hese duies are universal, a commond challenge of ime, and by world consiution, nly values
easily acceptable for one and all are inegraed in the values to build global inegriy. Do no be a desserter, he world needs
he people standing together, not running away. If a chld is crying ou about going under ewater, he can not swim, do no run
away from your duy to save he child, if 50 000 children dies every day, accordinmg to saisic of world povery, do no run away
from the cooperaion o end he Holocaus. If your paricipaion in world economy, desroyes the world wih risks equal o errorism
against humaniy, do not run away from the universal duies revealed by our common world defence, accept he royal command of
Rajananand, now. Now, is always he time o ac uno the statistic of povery is removed and he errorism ended. 2 hours a day investment
of ime, paid in socks by integraed growgth stock companies you ake responsible for by the nework building of he climaefund,
is one opportunity building the world of global inegriy by building sock companies of integraed growh or the businesses which
is lifesupporting and not damaging. I is a differen task for Rajananand, because the established mentality which must be changed,
is by imbalanses and bad experiences of leadership of the past, opposing even when seeing it is not posasible to be agains
it, opposing he independe4nce, fredom, greatnes, righ spirit, generousiy, friendliness, compassion, srength and gracefulness
of the enerprice of he royal prinicple of world peace. So it is he godness of he people of the world we appeal to, ogeher
wih the intelectual abiliy to see hat i represens only common universal ineress meassured to correspond to what is leas needeedd
to build he infrasructure of global integrity, and ha by non political world democracy of he new fundamenal global order,
democratic control protecing the naure of freedom and independence of the he people of he world, is the key to avoid abuse
of global universal cooperaion by sysematic checking of that value f all integred in the cooperation by routines sandardised
to ease cheking and democraic controll. Rajananand has generously given our world and opportunity to raise he majestic nature
of all by royal unificaion of world society, our global homeland by his royal initiaive of 1980. Each and everyone of us
must share the expenditure and challenges of duties of our common world defence to integrate the values of he infrastructure
of global integriy! I is very mporan o achieve a real position building and upholding real values for society. Mos people
in most socieies in the world most probably do no have a real posiion, as universities do not give real educayion and position,
if you are educated an archiect, you are educaed to tke a posiion becomming not a real assistent to society and people, bu
someone needed o be allowed o build a hause, a mafia boss collecting money for "his protection of he building or project".
In Norway he coss of an architect whwen building a house represens a mus for he governmens acceptance and costs a small fortune
for rouines dicaed by the governments and to become an archiect you have to ake years of university study and accep that only
persons like youself is acceped to do he job. The last decaded compuers could have been ea<sily organised to do he samme
job and come upp wih not only more alernaives for he builder of his own home or a building, any, but all alernatives within
he strict mafia rules for building. Mafia offers their assistance of proecion, aking a lot of money, otherwise you are not
safe, not safe from them. So it is wih the proecion of peoples living, as a house and home is. I is possible to follow this
analyzes for other groups of workers in society, as police, eachers, governmens, universities etc. in depth for the pracical
role of mafia money, however, here we are following he social psycological role of this lack of true position in sociey for
the individual. The collective accumulation of he lack of selfrespect it gives is that one plays together stoping ohers from
becomming someone by real value as children are kidnapped to slavery in school and heir abilities to become someone studies
and given compeeion, if you are good in mahematics, sociey says, ohers are too, you are nothing but par of he illution of
compeetion, so with sport, if you enjoy skiing, there is an olympc master which makes you nothing, comming o being someone.
It is like 4 persons playing the game go, 2 and 2 playing every second move, no alking abou, everyone knows what to do. When
you by mafia organisaions become a nobody and damages for others bad conscience, lack of respect for your self, the nobody
grows, shame and anxiiy becomes so srong that the mafiaboss is not ashamed of doing things from real life is a shame to do,
trying to be somebody of he coss of others- A man is supoosed to be somebody in himself, not trying to be better than ohers
as by having a better home, hat is from he poin of view of economy and ohers having less, because ti is not a real home, it
is a mafia house. Important example, because therefor it is important that hose young and beatiful, do no have a good house,
the shame of actualy damaging he possibilities for the young and beatiful persons possibiliy to have a home, is real bad,
then you are part of a society mafia withou real values and yoy can do anyhing as far as the mafiabosses accepts it, as Holocaust,
sending those having an identy by religion, he Jews ino extincion, just as the innocence of a child should be destroyed, because
the persons identity is false based on being beter than, or on he cost of others, rather than being sombody oneself and this
strong collective sickness is so bad, that one even wants to destroy the future of mankinds opportunities to live a normal
life, by destroying the environment and using the environment as a mafia business of protection, to be paid by money and sex.
Being a nobody you can not get sex or actually normal friendship, more than 5000 year old sayings saes tha a man withou a
true position in life, one can not be friend wih, therefor the fulfilment and exclusive expression of family friendship, becomes
so imporant to seek as a compensaion, and to destroy as realy enjoying it one can not or seek it, one do not have a true posiion
and to find someone not destroyed by living paterns of real life, is also pracically impossible because it mosly is destroyed,
is the social psocological reaction based on true sickness and imbalance of society. War comes to a society when the codes
of honor of women is desroyed, says the same more than 5000 year old sayings also sating that a women having more than 5 men
is a prosiue, one with lack of abiliy to sustain familylife and true friendship. So he mafiafeeling and lak of selfrespect
destroying for ohers, is based on real values of deep imbalances or lack of inegrity. Being somebody, finding oneself, is
having integriy, inner integriy as well as being integraed in society. Erick From analyses this social charcter structure
for he developmen of world war 2, we here finds he naure of World War 3, the ungoing war against he fundamentals for living
a normal life. The mafia protection of the governmens and organisations as that of scientists and environmental organisaions,
seems like the mafia protecdtion of the a<rchitect and his coplayers, universities and governments proecting he need for
his proecion, not he interess of the people of sociey for freedom of choice, cosing 10-100 times more han good business would
have. When Al Gore goes on V presented for a more than a billion tv wachers by the curiosity they collectivly creates, hey
aack youh by music of their kind, popular perhaps, and he message: do this, do that for the environment, including prostitutionlike
sex, have more sex, and for this he achieves the noble price and the big Copenhagen environmental conference by UN goes with
he public image, that all paricipans should have free sex by the local prostitues. At NtNU university in Trondheim a climate
wekend conference was arranged wih he name Climax, told during he conference NOT to mainly mean sexual satisfaction, and included
many from he university staff and all main environmental organisations in Trondheim as well as local poitician presented as
climax heros, while heir in realiy is the problem, mafia protection and sexual and economical exploitation is the role of
the arrangements, noone realy interested in discussing main solutions, real values of the problem, nor the complete solution
found and presented, just advertisement of what organisation you can pay membership fee, which institutes the government is
expected to pay billions from the peoples money, and who are the "heros" to pay sex! We hope of course hat good values are
motives as well, but the social characthersructure of he focus of the meeting, is he problem. the university do not sekk the
solutionsd, just money for research to find he solution, even though complete solution exists and can be implementet for he
whole of Norway, comming o energy producion and applicaion, for less than the expeced research money! Hitler was the authgorithy
of World War 2, Erick Fromm saes tha modern society has anonoumous auhorities, as king alkohol represen an authority, the
set of rules of dominating and exploiting persons by use of alcohol, so is there a Third World War auhorithy as well, he international
anonoumous authorihy of damaging the foundaions for living a normal life, held down and destroyed by world economy on all
levels, from children by slavery to the elders, from family life as by example homes, to world eceonomy with accepted causaliies
of war, 50 000 children dying every day according to statisic of poverty, worse than Holocaust of world war 2. Analyzes of
the shame and anxiety of as a prime mover of the war is possible, as not being a vegetarian is one main cause, we may write
a book about. Here we are just pointing ou the nature, role and existence of ungoing World War 3. War comming to sociey gives
men possibilities to being a patriote, being real by protecting society, if possible by non violence codes of honor and so
World War 3 gives by Our Common world Defence ALL AN OPPORUNIY TO BUILD REAL POSITIONS FOR THEMSELF, to build a world of integriy.
UN wrote to Anand: We truly apprecisate your effort in promoting the Royal Principled of World Peace", by UN nsecreariate
of he Inernsational Year of Peace, 1986. Anand was then registered as Stein Roar Andersen. All of us living on this beatiful
plannet must stay and grow together, achieve progress and enjoy fuilfilment togeher, Together for Peace founded by Anand,
was or is the known Royal Principle of World Peace. The more than 5000 year old wisdom refered to says also that the
reason for contribution to the king is freedom from shame and that as Anand do to day, the king should welcome the rich to
join hinm in promoting he good for the people, today he people of he whole world, as world war 3 is general against people
and what is needed for a simple, mnormal and decent life. The royal principle is opposeing the anonoymous auhority of world
war 3, more like being in Berlin in 1942 opposing Hitler esablishing a public Jewish friendship movement for the city. So
when Anand is not succsessful as by free housing to one and all, it is not his lack of integrity, but he lack of integrity
in the whole world, he is opposing, but the opporunity for one and all to go in he direction of being somebody of integriy,
is real, the one and only, outside the mafia patterns uphold by most grown ups. Everything in society may be considered a
mixture of good and bad, and when we are analyzing the patterns of world war 3, of course we do not focus on the good
nature of people, which is real as expressed by shame. A family farher of course wants the good for his children, but accepting
slavery of school, has not a real position and in understanding of war paterns do not expect children to grow up as decent
family members and may abuse his children sexualy even. he role of school is to destroy the puriy of persons, making it impossible
to enjoy pure family life of their own, better than most mafiabooses, and not easily exploied economically and sexually. Share
the expendiure and challenge of he infrasrucure of global inegriy by ordering your Global Times eSubscripion by Anands personal
newsleter. If we are here, a child about to drawn, go under in the sea, dying, abd I say we can probably do i, but I need
your assisance, can you hold this rope....
216 kr () Norwegian currency by Anand personal account Rajananand Dhananjaya Global Integrity Research Scientist P.
O Box 22 7400 Trondheim, account 0532.1667831 rajananda108@yahoo.com
It is a great joy to welcome one and all to join in and support the brave and difficult posiion of Rajananand. All organisations
wihou exception probably have promoted economic, sexual or other interests of the few on the costs of all, it is realy dificult
to be the exception and represen he universal and true interests of all, but World Constitution og our common and global home
or family land, is organised with a few to organise global democratic conroll and routines of cooperation to achieve this.
Duty, codes of honour and integrity is an opportunity, we give you an opportunity to grow in integrity, global inegrity by
not leaving responsibiliy to others by organisations only partly doing their share, take responsibility, do your duty as world
citizen and be loyal o friends and familiy and he true interess of your country comming to our common world defence and ac
now. You see and we congraulae you, you have a mission. Are you ready to raise the menality of the world by doing yours and
therby remove he problem, which is he wromg mentality, attiude and leaving responsibility to ohers!
One and All Together for Peace and Global Integrity is he solution, the technological solutions depends on peoples willingness
to change, growth and achievemens for the true common goals of mankind.
Bottom line, everyone wanting
to enjoy pyramid business, Stah Championship in any field, Third Eye Meditation and or The Church of Ra may do so,
however joining in building up the organisation locally may be par of the challenge of growth and enjoyment. The Church
challenges and celebrations may be enjoyed without compromising the integrity of own personal religion, just simply
by flexible relationship to the statements of our church, by the pure brilliance of creative intelligence, anyone may understand
it according to own platform without being involved in anything but obvious logic. The relations to the sun may be understood
even from point of view of physics alone. So here follows Rajantra in the version of third eye meditation and all seeing eye
experience as well as by immiage of the sun colors; Rajantra;

Probably for more than 5000 years holy men and churches have remembered the old
yantra and mandala and uphold the memory of its values. However, through the corridor of time not all is remembered, as the
yantra triangels have been presented with the square mandala as a frame around. By modern computer program optimal configuration
by limmited criteria is achieved, however for perfect configuration, as by computerprograms, the diameter 108 of the
yantra circle must be added. It is by this diameter and the proprtions of our square we have had for many
years and by drawing the yantra on the mandala square, perfect configuration is achieved. Anand is as architect probably
first for more than 5000 years to find the orgional rayantra mandala.Ectremly advanced mathematcs and obviously no result
by accident, makes it a scientific proof, most natural to say, however, we say probobly, not to take the magic from the many
mystic values integrated or correlated.
The All Seeing Eye is also a symbol of Our Global Voice of Conscience, the name of non
political world democracy, and is our world most things are registered and goes into world history, however, most religion
and old and wise people thinks about a natural law egisering what you do in such awy that you ripe what you seed by karma
payback. Terrorism against humanity is real, when 50 000 children dies every day, you probably is paid back by time when you
die or society by statistic of when why dies as the other is statistic of poverty. Doing anything wrong related to the healing
proses of our enterprise is not wise.As if you have registered the royal command of promoting global integrity, and ignore
the duty, it is not healthy living. Third Eye is also related to the witnessing promoted by rayantra and while witnessing
lif is selfrealization, the enjoyment of a movie picture is close charm. he 5 hisoric sources of mystic is melting together
in pure magic. But several oher mystic values is there integraed in the hisotry or how it happened after probably 5000 years
or more of forgotten values. For instance we had the circle with diameter 108 with the right proportions of he square inside,
sides 72, 12 years and more as part of our logo before we relived rhe rayantra dependent on that relationship between the
square and circle as he dome of peace, he 9 balls, which perhaps may have been the main roof of the pyramid, we had around
1982, perfectly fitting within the archiecture, too, as by Rayanra ship:
The End
Alt universitetet trenger å gjøre for å ødelegge verden, som de siste 2030 år er intet, deres korupte oppbygging
kan vurderes som en terrorist organisering i lag med tredje verdens krig analysene. 2 ansatte ntnu avviste terroranalysen,
men en innrømmet at logikken er riktig og da ntnu ikke kan sies ikke å vite bedre ... vi anbefaler alle til å bidra til
en konferanse med noen millioner for å gjøre den internasjonal på kort sikt for å undersøke spørsmålet. Rajananand
Dhananjaya P. O. Box 22 7400 Trondheim, Norway anand@hotmail.noGlobal Integrity Research Scientist http://ntnu.page.tl/ (Excuse the page adds , not ours!) Alt godt folk trenger å gjøre for å ødelegge verden er intet, klima ubalansene
og verdens økonomien er slik, at folk er aktivt ansvarlig for å ødelegge verden med forurensning og deltakelse i økonomisk
aktivitet med ekstreme biprodukter som statistikk for fattigdom viser. 50 000 barn dør hver dag av fattigdom sies det,
stadig vekk utryddes arter og klimaendringene er så alvorlig at intet å gjøre er terrorisme mot menneskeheten, ja selv om
de som hevder at der er ingen menneske skapte klimaendringer har rett. Det kan ikke bevises og da sunn fornuft klart
fastslår at der er ikke utenkelig at verden slik vi kjenner den kan forgå, faktisk på noen uker I verst tenkelige tilfeller..
En slik risiko å ta er verre en å være ekstremt beruset og sette seg I bilen å kjøre gjennom byen I stor fart, risikoen for
at det går galt er ekstrem I forhold til alvoret og mulig skade man kan forårsake! Så vi sier man er ikke blant godt folk
lengre om man ikke deler vårt felles verdens forsvar felles svar til utfordringen, og ikke fordi vi sier så, men fordi det
er alvoret i situasjonen vi poengterer. FNs klimapanel sier at klimaendringene er menneske skapte og kommer av akkumulerte
drivhusgasser høyt oppe i jordas atmosfære og gir drivhuseffekten, varme slipper ikke ut som før og temperaturen på jorda
øker. Senere har mer enn en million km2 med is fra havets overflate forsvunnet, noe som øker oppvarmingen av havet, som regulerer
temperaturen på jorda. Norge er avhengig av varmen i golfstrømmen for eksempel. Derfor kan man anta at termostat balansen
er høyere enn de ca 0,7 grader Celsius økt gjennomsnitt temperatur registrert, fordi det tar tid å varme opp de store dyp
og fordi det stadig smelter is som tilfører kulde i havet. Der er derfor store ubalanser mot normalt som kan resultere i fasetransformasjoner
eller plutselige endringer og ved kjente data er det ikke utenkelig med 6 m plutselig stigning av havnivået, at golfstrømmen
forsvinner, at oksygenproduksjonen ved havstrømmene forstyrres betydelig i forhold til total ødeleggelse av verden slik vi
kjenner den. Selv meget mindre som start vil kunne resultere i kollaps av verdens økonomien kriger og uorden hvor verdens
muligheter for å gjøre det som trengs ikke bare er for sent, men også uten praktiske organiseringer til å møte utfordringene!
Tredje verdens krig pågående er verre enn andre verdens krig, både totalt og ved Holocaust. Det samlede svar, infrastrukturen
av global integritet, er slik at det representerer hva en må gjøre, hva verden bør gjøre nå, uansett om det er klimaendringer
som må møtes eller ei, hva hver og en, alle som en, må gjøre for ikke å bedrive krig mot folk og terrorisme mot menneskeheten.
Filmaid programmet eller klima filmfestivalen har tema Hvordan vi vant verden, mens seieren er her hver og en som vinner en
grad av global integritet, vinner over sin egen likegyldighet og går sammen om å gjøre det rette og det kan være nok at alle
er med å feirer og besvarer et spørsmål, spørsmålet som feires, for at folk flest i verden setter den nye retningen til utviklingen,
politikere ikke vil ta! Vi kan bare håpe at det ikke er for sent, at det er mulig som antatt å reversere klimaendringene og
at folk ikke er forkrøplet, så dannelsen av vårt felles verdens forsvar tar for lang tid! Det haster, vær god registrer hos
fellesforsvaret nå og finn 4 til som gjør likeså innen en uke, helst på timen! Dette av svært klartenkte folk er sunn fornuft,
logisk og rasjonelt, sundt bondevett, noe man ikke kan stikke av fra som ubetydelige ideer, det gjelder ens ansvar for verdens
ekstremt brutale realiteter. Ikke stikk av, lure deg unna eller vær likegyldig, slutt å ødelegg vår verden og vær med sammen
for fred og global integritet ved Rajananand Dhananjaya og de stiftelser grunnlagt av ham for å fremme realiseringen av globalt,
rent, intet politisk demokrati og da du er svært viktig her, det er verdens folk som kan gjøre forskjellen, ikke de organiseringer
som har skap terrorismen, så er ditt svar på et spørsmål viktig. Er du med? Studentersamfundmøte i Trondheim hadde 2 NTNU
ansatte med faglig tynge og en tredje som i paneldebatt diskuterte terrorisme, hvor jeg reiste spørsmålet om klimaproblematikken
ikke er en del av moderne terrorisme, hvor regjeringer truer folk med kollaps av miljøet om de ikke lar seg økonomisk, politisk
og seksuelt utbytte, ved at de intet gjør. Dette var personlig spørsmål, ikke fra klimafondet, men det er lett å registrere
at regjerngene er direkte ansvarlig for klimaendringene slik de ved FN klimapanel selv proklamerer de og at de ikke gjør noe,
det forurenses mer i dag enn i 1999 da problemet ble idntifisert og det er kun økonomske sær interesser som gjør at man ikke
produserer nok av annen energi og teknologi tilpasset. Det er lange arhumentasjonsrekker til for å være på høyden, men slettes
ikke vanskelige og ganske logisk og rasjonelt. De 3 ekspertene på terrorisme utrykte samlet sympati for infallsvinkelen til
at der er terrorisme mot folk ved verdens regjeringer mm, men utrykte at de ikke anså det som terrorisme. Jeg diskuterte senere
med en av NTNUerne, han som ungikk mistanke for å være terrorist ved 9/11, fordi familiemedlem satt i et av flyene som crashet
i world trade senteret, nå ntnu ansatt. Han innså logikken i, alt man trenger å gjøre, er intet, og konkluderte ved andre
debatt på Dragvoll, "it is terrorism", når vi inkluderte vårt perspektiv på Tredje Verdenskrig, at 50 000 barn dør som vår
tids Holocaust hver dag ved statestikk for fattigdom. Der brgynte doktordisputas med kirkerutiner og innmars med rektor mm
og jeg gikk tidlig. Hvor klart det er innrømmet er uvist, men logikken er klar og utvedtydig, det åpenbart kan hevdes, men
å utpeke en grupe som skyldige er vanskelig, da folk flest som deltar i verdens økonbomnien kan påvises å være ansvarlig. mvh
Anand Anand er del av fornavnet Rajananand, Rajananand Dhananjaya Global Integrity Research Scientist / fredsforsker
Rajananand Dhananjaya, postbok 22, 7400 Trondheim anand@hotmail.no
From: anand@hotmail.no To: rajananda108@yahoo.com; johan.e.hustad@ntnu.no; post.sor-trondelag@politiet.no; postmottak@nhd.dep.no;
postmottak@smk.dep.no Subject: RE: politianmeldelse av hHustad, prorektor ntnu Re: takker for samtale i går Date: Sun,
15 May 2011 17:05:43 +0200
ved 2 prisutdelinger har komputer og kjærlighet ved kvinnelig professor og innivator konferansier vært tema og om det er slik
at de fremmer korrupsjon, ikke penger under bordet men et barn for å gjøre sukksess, er det langt mer enn 18 000 foreldre
som har grunn til å reagere også mot justisministeren og co som ignorerer sinnsykdommen. De har ikke lov til
ikke å realitetsbehandle klimafond innbydelser fordi jeg utenfor som person politianmelder forholdet, som jeg må forholde
meg til ntnu selv om hovmesteren er politrianmeldt. Jeg fremmer dog for ntnu kun det som er vårt generelle utgangspunkt til
alle universiteter og teenger ikke habilitet for det, men hustad og rektor ved ntnu bør finne setterepresetasjon og sende
alle inbydelser ogb klager til styret. Kanskje rektor ved annet universitet kan være setterepresentasjon, det er i alle uniersitets
interesser så en rektor er ok. mvh Anand Anand er del av fornavnet Rajananand, Rajananand Dhananjaya Global
Integrity Research Scientist / fredsforsker Rajananand Dhananjaya, postbok 22, 7400 Trondheim anand@hotmail.no