See the architecture of the capital city of the world
The Climate Ship with the pyramid
building inside the dome!
University Experience Exhibition
The climate ship represents a complete strategy to combat
global warming and damage of the environment with risks we
can not take without being criminals at best!
The university experience our exhibiion is called not only
because the ship is built up as a university, but of 2 reasons:
The Latin root of "university" means turned into one whole,
and the yantra meditation of focusing attention and being
awere of the whole at the same time is giving the university
The quantum physics understanding of the vacuum state, is
close to the associations of the creation of the universe the
yantra is said to represent as the meditation gives experience
of and the yantra is therefor not only a logo of our Climate
University of Global Integrity but of science in general, as
science studies tha laws of nature of the universe!
The climate ship with pyramidcity architecture, is almost there,
\ready to be realized. Many aspects must be related to each
other so some changes and improvements are expected!
However, the fundamental practical questions we have
consulted with experts, final calculations also depends on
economy and maerials to be used.
In the following are 8 drawings showing aspects of
the climate ship and pyramid building within the dome,
here with 9 circles:

The 9 circles are in the following shown as the dome by the
Climate Library of Integrated Growth logo! In the ship diameter
is 216m giving a dome 432m x432m and 216m+ tall!

Here we see the dome from the side with the pyramid building
inside. The pyramid frame inside the building in the centre is
supporting the pyramid building also held up by the hanging
bridge prinsiple by the cubic and dome frames! The dome is
432mx432m, diameter 216m. The steps of the building is 6m
tall, 2 levels! Appartments expeced to take 9m x6m x 2 levels,
108 sq m minus walls and outside area. The square building is

Here in the following drawing we see the ship from above with the dome.
It is 2016m long and 1008m wide and the surfeboard is only
4m tall in concrete with parralell walls in both directions 4m
appart and 0,4m tick.
Upper left corner shows how the squares 36mx36m are
diveded in 9 houses 9mx9m / area 12mx12m, 3-4 levels tall
more than 2016 houses and at least one airfield by the green
area, 1800m long and 60m wide!

In the following we see again the ship from above with the 9
circles giving the dome and also seen from the sides and front
or back! We one of the cubic frames going up and above for
sail setting and for connection to balloones above, which may
fly away and land on top of the building!

In the following we see the pyramid building and the floor of
the top of the building 216mx216m with some of the floors
below of the pyramid around and below. The plan or building
seen from above shows 9 courts in green, halls in blue, 64
penthouses 18mx18m and rooms around, and the pyramid
levels are 6m tall, with appartments 9m wide, At least 2016
such appartments is included in the city project or timeshare
ownership 12 years 2 for each of the 1008 stock companies!
It is many years ago we found in the architecture a
dusin mysterious conections of 108 and 1008, as when the
side is 108m the building is 1008sq m x 9 (108x108x7/9 where
9 courts is 2/9). Where we found a
1008 and 108 relationship! Our old drawing fit
into the climateship surpringsly well!
Below the pyramid building more like a bridge is suported by
the yantra frame with extra strong pyramid and the frames
going above the building supoorts by the hanging bridge
principles both by cubs nd balls!

Here in the following we see the ship from front or back with a
cubic frame above with a ball balloon with diameter 1008m.
The balloon is supposed to levitate with about 9 cm
alluminium in the surface (actually 3 levels with frame 18m tick
is planned for the surface, but 9 cm alluminium is supposed to
keep the atmospherik pressure out when vacuum inside!)
and vacuum inside, and pulling up with 200 000 ton force held
down by the 1,8 million ton wiegth by the concrete in the ship!
The pulling in both direction hopefully withstand wind
pressure and give a good windmill. (The balloon may fly up
above extreme weather!)

The balloon and the cubic frame which can go around the
updraft tower tube and always be against the wind as a
windmill, is producing windenergy! The cubic frame by sail
pushes the wind into the side circle of the ball as to the ball.

In the following we see the ship with 7 ballons and a little
different put together than shown, 9000m + tall, higher than
Mount Everest, so we call it Mount Meru Everest! We also sees
that the yantra may be used for construction frame inside
inside as for the archtecture of the ship.
The ship may surfe the oceans both by surfeboard dynamism
as well by the lifting power of the balloons and enjoy the
balloons as sail by windmill functioning, the cubic frame
pushes the wind in to the balloon and the ball out to the sides
where windmills are in a circle around the balloon!

The balloones are also lifting up the updraft tower tube going
through and the hot wind blowing up in the tower is
supported by steam production by solar collectors and may
be supported by the windmills too, moving up hot air, the air at
sea level are much hotter than 9 km up and may create clouds
to combat global warming.
This is very much how we expect the ship to be, but
adaptation to choice of materials, needs for strength of
construction, integration of engines, etc. may give needs for
changes as the project is becomming better and better all the
time giving improvments. People living of calculating values
would say the project is incomplete, but that is not true as a
good project description, however, the poject is incomplete
unto the ship and city is there built and working well or more
important thausend of ships are there succsessfully
combating global warming! The updraft tower moves moist
and hot air up and adds steam, producing clouds. This is just
a temporarily solution meeting the need for lowering
temparature, the real solution is based om more than 108 000
ships together with land solutions spending millions of sq km
of incomming solar heating to make a cooler world! Of course
as a city also to demonstrate how one can live better as well
by environmentally friendly organisation.
Our Global Integrity Logo perfectionated by the founder of the
Science of Wholeness Enterprise Anand / Rajananand
Dhananjaya / Stein Roar Andersen before 2004 is part of our
Flag of World Union by World Constitution of Global Integrity
including non political world democracy to uphold democratic
control with New Fundamental Global Order, the infrastructure
of world peace and global integrity.
The 9 triangels, circles and mandala square is found in a more
than thausen year old temple in India and is probably a "bad"
memory of a drawing of pyramid architecture as old as the
pyramids - 5000-12000 years old!
This may be guessed as the inner intelligence of the yantra is
selfrefering perfect when achieved, easy for anyone to see!
It is possible to stay within practical frames here, only being
aware of the mystisism and magic of the yantra! The yantra
may be relaed to mount Meru as a concept perhaps by the
magnetic field of our plannet. The yantra is also related to the
creation of the universe, older theory than big bang, by the
unmanifest pure being becomming awere of itself by a knower
known process of knowing relationship and a third allseing
eye meditation may give the experience of unity
consciousness by the observed, observer and process of
obervation relationship inbetween focusing seigth on the
circle in centre and enjoying by side vission with attetion in
the forhead the whole yantra. The union of diversity
experienced is a University experience as the latin sourche,
Universitas, means that, turned into one whole!
The 9 chakras of the body by the 9 triangels gives rise to
advanced editaion here!
These values related to quantum physiscs and big bang
theory gives the most interesting development of scientific
values of physics, too! Quantum physics describes the
vacuum state as unmanifest and the source of creation, and
the creation of the universe may be said to come from there
accordingly and quantum physics describes the values of the
vacuum state as the pure, unmanifes being of pure,
trancendental consciousness.
Universitas is the root to both universe and university and
means turned into one whole the circles and squares or balls
and cubes and 9 triangels or pyramids are turned into one
whole or represents the oneness of the big bang, think
fireworks! Yantra from Sanscrit means instrument of
liberation, liberation of isolation by the experience of union,
scientific instrument of liberaion while the multidiciplinary
approach including knowledge pyramids, enjoys a unified
approach while universities are split and dominated by
diciplines or faculties and institutes giving icolated growth
often. A perfect logo for our Climate University of Global
It is a great joy to present the ra-yantra
logo of global integrity:

The perfection of the yantra is found in our logo years before
the yantra triangels was integrated as by the following logo,
the logo have the proper mandala square and proper
relationship to the circles by the holy numbers 108 and 1008,
as Anand have experimentet with stapthya veda architecture
rules for decades! It is this logo which gives the inner
intelligence of ra yantra, and have ben part of the flag
presented in Global Times magazine for many years. Anand
have had luck one could say, but no, it is no coincidence,
Anand have been exstreamly clever in finding origional values
and porporito\ions and used them in a origional way, most
probably origional for the first drawing, too, as the fulfilment of
the inner intelligence of the yantra is selfreferable, anyone
may see it, this is it! When meditation is a matter of correct
experience, we just present the idea of the meditation
echnique here, for those interested we are preparing a poster
with the instruction for how best practice the meditation and
the poster may be ordered, colors A4 is inexpensive to print
and send...
That the understanding of the vacum state as unmanifest and
beyond relative existence a the same time sourche and
inherent in all manifistation of relative life, may be said to be a
understanding of the creaion of the universe by physics, and
that the Indian understanding much richer, seems to be like it
by pure trancendental consciousness, gives it a scientific
perspecive, the yantra as understanding of the creation of the
universe. The university experience seeing the
interconecedness and order of the lines and circles of the
yantra, focusing atention being awere of the whole, makes it
interesting as a popular scientific meditation, too. Which is
good for the unity consciousness meditation represets the
most advanced state of consciousness achieved after
perhaps decades with meditation.
Here it is the yantra drawing board:

The above shows there are several levels of cubes and the
following shows that allready by the 1986 book printed in
10000 copies, we had the dome. Anand / RajanAnand
Dhananjaya then was known as Stein Roar Andersen also
before 2004! Anand is the architect of the infrastructure of
world preace; New Fundamental Global Order by World
Constitution of Global Integrity and non political world
democracy of the Global Voice of Conscience! He is also the
architect of the climate ship and the pyramid building by the
Ra-Yantra drawing he have fulfilled by its inner intelligence or
perhaps first in 12 000 years do have done so!
We hope you enjoy World Capital Experience, the capital city
of the world by the yantra architecture, The University
Experience by all seeing eye meditatation and quantum
physics, intellectual understanding of the experienced which
may be said to be The Big Bang Experience, the fireworks of
the creation of the universe!
The 1986 Book of Peace, back page cover:

We do have a smaller version without airfield where the
balloon has diameter 784m about the smallest possible as a
'vacuum balloon, smaller and the wiegth is heavier than lifting
capacity. The ship is only 1008m long and 252m wide, going
for the Nile or Norwegian fjords as the Trondheimsfjord. The
building of the unhivesity has sides 108m and the updraft
tower do not have flying balloons and more economical to
The architevture may be exented as the architecture of the
flying capital city of the world, even here by 12 km tall updraft
tower, we fly!
Universitas Foundation was the first organisation of the
enerprise established January 1980 and later as a foundation
by Stiftelsesloven, the new law allowing foundations
organised without burden on adminstration according the the
Constitution of Norway, too!
In Norway by the Bergen Trondheim competetion about first
building a climate ship, we are holding a national democratic
investigation into the intention of the people related to the
global need and responsibility to act, now, to safeguard future
(if not too late owing to climate change and lack of god will of
the people of the world). The Global Voice of Conscience is
introducing the questions like this:
Folkeavstemning i åpent registrert valg. I forbindelse med
konkuransen og ved the Global Voice of Conscience holdes
det en folkeavstemning, med spørsmål som invesering av
oljefondet i klimaskip, om byene skal satse på å bli selvforsynt
med ren energi, forholdet til dagens forurensning tillatt etc.
Noen spørsmål gjelder konkuransen spesielt og barn i alle
aldre er velkommen med å besvare spørsmål, også utenfor
Hordaland og Trøndelag, Trondheim og Bergen hvor der vil
være eksra spørsmål om konkuransen. Vi innbyr til deltagelse
i dugnaden for å innhente svar også og oppfordrer alle til å
betale litt for å få sine svar annonsert på egen hjemmeside vi
kan bygge med sekretæriat og i avisa. Da viser man svar for et
spørsmål av gangen. Manfår også vurdere det hele som
initiering av globalt, rent intet politisk demokrati lokalt! Ved
initiering registrerer man deltagelse og svar på et spørsmål
kun og følger opp med nye spørsmål pr mail og
forhåpentligvis ved konferanser.

There are 2 smaller versions of the 2016m long origional size
where the foundation pyramid has the size of the
Cheopspyramid, Perhaps a larger ship with the pyramid in the
size of the Bosnia sun pyramide, however if this one fits the
yantra pyramid we do not know! Comming to the competion to
build one ship first, several competetion is planned as
between Bergen and Trondheim, one may compete about
building the smallest ship only 252m wide. The winner of the
competetion goes togeter with the others to build a larger ship
with its 108 chief ministers asministers of the larger ship, its
1008 companies, the companies of the larger ship and the
others may get positions as chief ministers and have the 1008
companies for the next ship to be buildt! 2 or more ships
travelling together gives safety!
Anand hopes people and organisations are contacting saing:
"yes, lets build such a boat" or in perspective of the length of
2016m : " lets see if we can build such a ship, how to we share
the challenge, best..." Joining in or establishing a new
building project may seems like an immposible mission, but
duable because it is a must. However, the chance for us to
acctually give the world bach to the children with global
integrity, is a challenge extremly larger, a responsibility for
you and me, extremly more difficult. But the first is a step in
the rigth direction, as Amstrong sad: a small step for one man,
( you and me ), a giant leap for mankind.

Kopier og distrubier gjerne ovenstående skjema, kan kopieres
inn i word dokument f.eks.
Man kan sende svar på spørsmål pr mail, tema / subject for
mail: "folkeavstemning"! Uten signatur er det bra å sende et
lite beløp om man ikke vil være generøs og dele kampanjens
utgifer, som sadfestelse, fra egen personlig konto eller ved
foreldres konto og så sende mail og referere til innbetalingen
også, hvor svar er gitt med!
Ingen får navn annonsert uten innbetaling og ved innbetaling
ber man om de med eller uten annonsert beløp. Det å inspirere
andre ved eksempel er viktig, men dette oppnåes også ved
statistikk, men meget beddre ved å annonsere navn. For
annonse med link til hjemmeside med navn, vil kanskje 10-50
kr gå bra, sedt fra personlig og egen konto. Man kan spleise
på utgiftene med kampanjen også ved å gi større bidrag! Vårt
Felles Verdens forsvar ved Den Global Samvittighets Stemme
represenerer rent, intet politisk globalt demokrati ved verdens
Men hva vi eller Anand håper på å høre er at mange sier, "ja, la oss bygge en slik båt" eller med tanke på lengden 2016m;
" La oss se om vi ikke får bygget et slikt skip, hvordan kan vi best dele utfodringen..."
Membership Club 1008
It is fun with some magic and mystery and 108, 1008, shri
yantra, Stapthya Veda, Cheops pyramid, the ancient Mandala
and aspects of world history giving a combination of World
Capital Experience is a nice surprise and facinating dicovery.
It is general understanding that knowledge seeks out the
person pure enough to receive it and I must thank Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi for the ra yantra experience, as he is the teacher
who gave me the knowledge not only to rceive the yantra but
to explain it by classic presentations of vedivc and scientific
knowledge! Many may grow into Unity Consciousness fast
with or without ra yantra meditation or fast enjoy values of the
ra yantra experience. Trancendental meditation is inward
meditation, but this is more like sidhi techniques and outward
meditation. Even though it is general understanding that
knowledge seeks out the person pure enough to receive it
and I must thank Maharishi Mahesh Yogi for the ra yantra
experience, as he is the teacher who gave me the knowledge
not only to rceive the yantra but to explain it by classic
presentations of Vedic and scientific knowledge! Of course for
instance Lawrence Domash earlier professor at NASA and my
university in 77 MERU, have given many lectures of quantum
physics in this perspective and I was "excelent" by degrees,
picking up the points here developed!
Norwegian introduction:
